

* I will be giving a presentation on the evolution of our relationship to technology when it comes to the meal at reThink Food, November 8 in Napa, California.

* I interviewed Mexico City chef Elena Reygadas for New Worlder’s Game Changer column.

* I wrote about the evolution of Mexican fine dining in the US for the June 2018 issue of Plate.

* On June 20, I gave a talk at the University of Southern California on the changing role of the chef in the 21st century.

* On June 13, I spoke at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark as part of the 2018 Gastro-Science-Chef Symposium.

* On February 24 in New York, I moderated the 2018 IACP conference’s keynote on the evolution of our hierarchy of taste. More details here.


* On October 19, I spoke about Chefs and Innovation: The Gastronomic Revolution of Spain, in Washington D.C. as part of Eat Spain Up!, following a screening of Snacks: Bites of a Revolution.

* I spend time in my dad’s home in the French Jura every year, including this past July. The region’s wines are my favorites, so it was particularly great to write about Macvin—a blend of must and marc that is often served as aperitif but is pretty amazing with dessert too—for Roads and Kingdoms, .

* At the 2017 Menus of Change conference June 20-22, I led a conversation with John Fraser of NIX/Narcissa/Dovetail (video here, session III), moderated a panel with The Atlantic’s Corby Kummer, Martha Stewart’s Ellen Morrissey, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Carolyn O’Neill (video here, session VII), and moderated a breakout panel with Corby, Ellen, Kimbal Musk of The Kitchen, and Merlin Verrier of Next Door.

* I wrote about Team Mexico‘s participation at the 2017 World Street Food Congress and the culinary connections between The Philippines and Mexico for New Worlder.

* I gave a talk in May at IFEX, Asia’s Ethnic Food and Ingredients Show, in Manila, the Philippines, on the changing role of the chef in 21st century foodservice.

* I wrote about Tarte Tropézienne for the May-June issue of Bake From Scratch.

* I earned my doctorate in food studies from NYU in May!

* I was a panelist at the 2017 IACP conference, talking about cultural appropriation in the food world.


* I was a panelist on a session about culinary networks and moderated a session on African American cuisine at the 2016 Roots conference.

* Les Petits Sweets: Two-Bite Desserts from the French Pâtisserie, my latest collaboration with Kathryn Gordon, came out September 6. It is available where all good books are sold!

* I wrote about Ladurée for the winter issue of Bake From Scratch.


* Many thanks to Open for Business, Open Table’s blog, for a great conversation about the changing role of the chef.

* Payard Cookies, my latest collaboration with the great François Payard, came out November 3. It is filled with the best of classic French cookies, along with others influenced by François’ two decades in New York, and is available for order here (not an affiliate link).

* It’s a huge honor to talk about what makes a 21st century chef as the opening keynote of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association’s industry conference on July 26, in conversation with Francis Lam.

* On June 18, I moderated a panel at Menus of Change called Cooking up a Story…and Picking the Right Recipe, with journalists Jane Black, Sarah Nassauer of the Wall Street Journal, and Kim Severson of the New York Times.

* On May 6, I was a guest on Heritage Radio Network’s All in the Industry. You can listen to the show here.

* On March 28, I was a panelist at the International Association of Culinary Professionals‘ annual conference on the subject of co-authoring cookbooks with chefs. Read some great thoughts inspired by the panel on the site of one of my co-panelists, Kate Leahy.

* On March 2, I moderated a panel for Culintro on the inspiration that chefs gain from their travels—and from home—with Wylie Dufresne, Ivan Orkin, and Richard Kuo. Here is a photo recap.

* The CIA has launched The Food Business School, under the leadership of Will Rosenzweig. I’m proud to be on its advisory council.


* On November 13, I was a panelist at a Climate Confidential event seeking to provide an in-depth look at cultured meat.

* November 7-9, I moderated a session on consumer habits and perceptions and worked on the program of reThink Food, a groundbreaking conference launched as a collaboration between the CIA and the MIT Media Lab.

* On October 28, I moderated a panel for Culintro on chefs leaving empires to launch their own restaurants. Here is a video recap.

* On October 19-20, I moderated two panels as part of the Chef’s Garden’s Roots conference; one on insects as the protein of the future and the other on the connections between art and food.

* I am an advisor for Hack//Dining NYC, which will take place June 27-29.

* On April 26, I am thrilled to be part of the Food Book Fair again, moderating a panel called Cookbooks + Chefs + Art.

* More articles for Food Arts; links are on the Writings page.

* On April 5, I am chairing a panel titled Modernist Cuisine: A Dialogue, at the 2014 Roger Smith Conference on Food.

* On March 13, I am speaking on a panel at the Fales Library at NYU, organized by Clark Wolf, on the subject of Looking Back to Go Forward: Ancient Ways in Modern Food.


* I’ve been writing regularly for Food Arts; links are on the Writings page.

* Out of state, I’m giving a talk with Experimental Cuisine Collective co-founder Kent Kirshenbaum at Reed College in Portland, OR on December 5 on creativity at the interface of chemistry and cuisine.

* I’m moderating a panel for Culintro on millennial dining habits on December 3 and introducing the book A Taste of Molecules at a December 12 event at the Flanders House, both in New York.

* I wrote the June 2013 cover story of Food Arts on Katie Button, a chef who left behind a brilliant academic path to find happiness and success when she and her family moved to Asheville, NC and opened Cúrate, a traditional Spanish tapas bar.

* More talking about millennials and their habits—this time on how they are using cookbooks, in the Wall Street Journal.

* On May 31, I am moderating a discussion with Harold McGee and Maxime Bilet on the evolution of the science of food between On Food and Cooking and Modernist Cuisine at the World Science Festival.

* On May 4, I am speaking on the Cookbook + Art panel at the 2013 Food Book Fair in Brooklyn.

* In April, I moderated the launch plenary session at the International Association of Culinary Professionals‘ conference in San Francisco, featuring Thomas Keller, Peter Kaminsky, and Maxime Bilet on the topic of Examining the Divide Between “Dirt” and “Digital.” I also participated in a panel organized by Ken Albala, with Maxime Bilet and Sandor Katz, on Hi-Tech/Lo-Tech in the Kitchen.

* On March 12, I am moderating a Culintro panel on reinvention and finding success, with panelists Alex Stupak of Empellon, Daniel Holzman and Michael Chernow of the Meatball Shop, and Georgette Farkas of Rotisserie Georgette.

* Millennial appetites is one of four areas of focus for this year’s Worlds of Flavor conference. I talked to Culintro about dining habits of millennials here.

* On February 8, I spoke on a panel about cookbooks as works of art at the 2013 Roger Smith Cookbook Conference in New York. Listen to an audio recording of the panel here.


* On December 5, I am excited to moderate another Culintro panel, on restaurant expansion. Panelists are chefs Michael White of the Altamarea Group, Danny Bowein of Mission Chinese Food, and Andy Ricker of Pok Pok. More info here.

* On October 21, I will be giving a presentation with Cesar Vega at the Molecular Cuisine: The Politics of Taste conference organized by the School of Visual Arts. Our talk is titled What is Culinary Innovation? Perspectives at the Crossroads of the Kitchen and the Laboratory.

* On October 9, I will be a panelist at LeadDog Marketing Group’s #BARK panel, The Business of Eating: How Social Media Sells More Food.

* Sixth printing for Les Petits Macarons!

* I attended the MAD Symposium July 1-2 in Copenhagen, and wrote about it for Food Arts.

* On June 22, I’ll present “Je sauce donc je suis: An Examination of the Professional and Creative Identity of Chefs Through the Sauces They Make” at the 2012 international conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society in New York.

* A conversation with Mitchell Davis, vice president of the James Beard Foundation and food studies colleague from NYU, is always guaranteed to stimulate and help me think through my research and work. So it was a real treat to be a guest on his weekly Heritage Radio Network show, Taste Matters, on May 23, 2012. You can download the podcast here.

* On Saturday, May 6, 2012, I am moderating a panel on food + porn at the Food Book Fair, with panelists Gael Greene, Josh Ozersky, Danyelle Freeman, and Alyssa Shelasky. The organizers’ official description: “As food imagery has become more and more prevalent in academia, the arts, and mass media, the rise of the term “Food Porn” has gained increasing popularity. Yet, food porn, much like traditional forms of pornography, has a wavering definition. What is food porn exactly? What is the relationship to food and sex? Is there one and what does it matter? Hear the answers from a gathering of experienced food writers, critics, and TV personalities in FOOD + PORN.”

* Are you attending the 2012 IACP conference in New York, March 29-April 2? I will be moderating a panel on what we need to know about modernist cuisine with panelists Maxime Bilet, co-author of Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Food; White House pastry chef Bill Yosses; Aki Kamozawa and Alex Talbot of Ideas in Food; and Cesar Vega, research manager at Mars Botanicals and co-editor of The Kitchen as Laboratory); hosting an “experts are in” session on scholarly food programs with Mitchell Davis, vice president of the James Beard Foundation; and conducting a workshop on macarons with my co-author, Kathryn Gordon.

* Les Petits Macarons is in its fourth printing!

* On February 28, 2012, I am moderating a panel on How I Became A Chef for Culintro. Panelists are Harold Dieterle of Perilla, Gavin Kaysen of Cafe Boulud, and Rory Schepisi of Boot Hill Saloon.


* Les Petits Macarons was featured in the Wall Street Journal on October 21, 2011.

* Kathryn Gordon and I talked about Les Petits Macarons on Linda Pelaccio’s A Taste of the Past radio show on Heritage Radio Network.

* I am on the program committee for the 2012 conference of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, which will take place in New York March 30-April 2. Send in your ideas!

* What role do science and industry play in changing our food system? Three food scientists and I tackle the topic in “In Defense of Food Science” in the summer 2011 issue of Gastronomica.

* Les Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home with pastry chef Kathryn Gordon will be published by Running Press in October 2011. It is available for pre-order on Amazon.

* I am the special issues editor for Fine Cooking Breakfast.


* Culinary Careers, the book I wrote with ICE’s Rick Smilow, is out!

* Is there such a thing as food porn? Read what academics and chefs have to say about the topic in the 10th anniversary issue of Gastronomica, in a forum I moderated.

And before that…

* I co-translated the French version of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics.