Academic-ish Writing

KaL coverThe Kitchen as Laboratory: Reflections on the Science of Food and Cooking includes a chapter I co-authored with Arielle Johnson and Kent Kirshenbaum, titled “Konjac Dondurma: Designing a Sustainable and Stretchable ‘Fox Testicle’ Ice Cream.”



gastronomica cover summer 2012What role do science and industry play in changing our food system? Three food scientists and I tackle the topic in “In Defense of Food Science” in the summer 2011 issue of Gastronomica.

Is there such a thing as food porn? Read what academics and chefs have to say about the topic in the 10th anniversary issue of Gastronomica, in a forum I moderated (PDF here).


In July 2008, the James Beard Foundation (JBF) issued its first white paper, “The State of American Cuisine,” which asks whether an American cuisine exists and if so, how it can be defined. It was co-authored by Mitchell Davis and Anne E. McBride. The JBF surveyed the general public, JBF members, chefs, journalists, and academics to find out what they thought. Over 90 percent of those surveyed believe there is an American cuisine, but there was little agreement on how it is defined.